Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Not a Song

*gasp* I am deviating from the plan! No song lyrics in this post... I had a frustrating evening and wanted to share. To save timem I've simply copied and pasted from the IM where I had my little rant. I hesitate to say IM conversation, because I was doing most of the typing....

Audra B: I needed the relaxation, cause dad p***ed me off this evening.

Audra B: I need new brakes, especially on my front wheels. this is not a "get them fixed eventually" situation, or I would've waited til payday and paid ou the extra money to get them fixed somewhere else. but I spent a LOT less money and got the brakes to fix them at home. On the way home I call and ask dad if he'll help me fix them, and he cracks off he's been waiting 45 minutes for me..
Audra B: well I get home a little after 5.. still plenty of light.
Audra B: we have dinner... and dad dicks around watching at least an hour's worth of TV, and complaining that he couldn't find a particular tool needed. I don't get him out of the house until 6:30. Then we get over to my car and he's like "well let's make sure you really need the brakes fixed first"
Audra B: because I'm apparently stupid and haven't been driving this car enough to know the difference between "good" sounding brakes and "bad"
Audra B: when he finally determines, yes I do in fact need the brakes changed.. it's too dark too do anything and we'll do it tomorrow.
Audra B: I'll just have to "put up with the noise" til tomorrow afternoon.
Audra B: now, in my limited experience (since January 1 2008, I have driven my car a minimum of 89.8 miles a day, 7 days a week, with only brief respites during major holidays or when other things were being repaired), a loud grating/grinding noise is an indication that something is, believe it or not... grating or grinding against something else, which I humbly feel is not a beneficial situation for a person who has to hit the brakes a minimum of 140 times a day, and that is just the paper tube stops I am considering, not taking into consideration the typical starts and stops
Audra B: of the average drive from my house to Bedford, and then from Bedford to my first delivery spot, and then the any dozens of reasons I may have to stop in between customers.. Audra B: *deep breath*

Audra B: but I can't change them on my own, just for the fact that the last time the tires were messed with was when I had new tires put on... and they like using that wonderful air gun to tighten the lugnuts..
Audra B: last time I tried to remove lugnuts tightened by an air gun, it took the combined efforts of me a guy that stopped to help me, and two of his three children
Audra B: i think what p****ed me off was dad saying he couldn't find the c-clamp he needed.. that he'd looked everywhere.. and we can't fix the brakes without a c-clamp.. to hold the caliper.. or something or other..
Audra B: I walked right into the shed, glanced right, glanced left... and the c-clamp was hanging up in plain sight.
Audra B: it made me think "if you don't want to help just f***ing say so."
Audra B: I believe that has become my new pet peeve.. not with dad but with people in general. Audra B: if you don't want to do it, just freaking say so. don't agree just to be polite or spare someone's feelings or it's the "right" thing to do.. because if you're not wanting to help, or be present, or do whatever.. then your heart's not in it.. you'll end up doing a sub-standard job at best, which I think can cause more damage than just refusing to help in the first place.
Audra B: *sigh* I'll step down off my soap box now... but I'm keeping it handy.

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